Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Samara Rosado (Girls' Volleyball)

Senior girls’ volleyball player Samara Rosado has been an impactful team member since joining the volleyball program her sophomore year according to her coach, Samantha Comeau. 

“She leads by example, is extremely supportive, and a huge asset to the success of this program,” Comeau said of Samara.  “She is an athlete that the younger girls in our program look up to, not only for her athletic ability, but for her character. She is hardworking, and can be counted on during crunch time.”

“Sam is the embodiment of what it means to be a great student-athlete, and her contributions will be greatly missed when she graduates,” Comeau added.  

Samara started playing volleyball after starting out her high school career playing field hockey in the fall.  

Volleyball is a team sport, which I love, and it’s extremely fun,” Samara said.  “I am surrounded every day by my close friends.  I like my teammates and just being a part of a team in general.  I like being able to perfect skills to have a part in winning games.”

Samara said she has learned a lot from Coach Comeau, including improving her mental approach.  

“I’ve learned a lot from my coach and teammates throughout the season, but the main thing is to shake off mistakes and focus on the next point,” Samara explained.  “This can be related to real life, which is why I like the lesson so much.”

Samara also hopes to continue playing volleyball after high school.

“I would love to continue to play volleyball after high school, whether that be pick up games with friends or at a D3 college,” Samara said.  

Samara plans on attending college after high school and studying speech pathology. 

She also said she has enjoyed her time at LHS.

“At the moment, I really enjoy statistics and my favorite teacher I’ve had is Mr. Roohanifar,” Samara said.  

Samara also stays busy outside of school.

“I love going to church and having Bible studies with my friends,” Samara said.  “I’m grateful to play volleyball with my close friends who I spend time with outside of sports.”  

Friday, September 27, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Isaac Chambass (Boys' Soccer)

Senior boys’ soccer goalkeeper Isaac Chambass is widely regarded as one of the top goalkeepers in the area, but his path to this point was one filled with ups and downs according to LHS boys’ soccer coach Steve McCaughey.  

During Isaac’s sophomore season Isaac began as the starter on the JV team but ended the season as the backup.  However, that situation only fueled Isaac’s drive to succeed. 

“This only seemed to motivate him to work harder over the offseason,” McCaughey said.  “Isaac put in a lot of work with his goalkeeping coach and came back determined to compete for the starting varsity job as a junior.  Not only did he earn the job, but he ended up starting every game and earning All-State recognition.”

“He continues to work hard at his craft, but this year he has taken on the added responsibility of being a captain,” McCaughey added.  “He has done a great job communicating with the players in front of him and providing much needed leadership from between the posts.”

Isaac started playing soccer when he was five years old.

“My dad liked soccer so he signed me and my brother up to play,” Isaac said.  

Isaac then figured out he liked preventing goals rather than saving them.

“I like saving shots from entering the goal because I’m a goalkeeper,” Isaac said.

Isaac said he has really enjoyed his time playing on the LHS soccer team. 

“I like the team chemistry and the coaching staff,” Isaac said.  “I learned that it’s going to take a lot of hard work to play at the next level.”

Isaac would like to continue playing soccer in college where he wants to earn a degree in computer science.  

Here at LHS, Isaac’s favorite class was his sophomore ELA class with Mr. Oxford.

Outside of school, Isaac enjoys playing soccer, hanging out with friends and playing video games.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Patience Roberge (Girls' Soccer)

In the first scrimmage a year ago, Patience Roberge suffered a torn ACL which forced to miss her entire junior season.  Now healthy and one of three captains (along with Mia Keenan and Jillian French) on the LHS girls’ soccer team, Patience is making the most out of her final season in a Blue Devil uniform.  

"Patience has flawlessly stepped into a leadership role, on and off the field,” LHS coach Todd Turcotte said.  “She brings a passion for the game, and a sense of humor to our team.  Patience will be missed in the years to come.”

Patience started playing soccer when she was seven years old.

My parents wanted me involved in some type of activity, so I tried soccer and just stuck with it,” Patience said.

I love the game, I know it, I love to play it and watch it,” Patience added.  “It's upbeat, it's challenging, and it requires a lot of heart which I am always ready to give.”

Patience said she loves being a part of the LHS soccer team in part because of the relationships she has built.

“I’ve met some great people,” Patience said.  “My teammates are kind and fun, and I enjoy the laughs and jokes and friendships formed.  I also enjoy the coaching staff as we've created a good bond as well in the short years I have known them.”

“Something my coach is constantly reminding our team is to come ready,” Patience added.  “You will never perform to your content if you are not ready or present inside your head, and that is something I definitely carry with me from game to game and firmly believe to be true.”

As for post-graduation plans, Patience said that is still a work in progress.

“I definitely do not have it all figured out yet, all I know is I plan to move away from here and eventually get into Physical Therapy,” Patience said.  “After tearing my ACL my junior year and doing PT everyday, it struck an interest and I can definitely see myself pursuing a career in or related to it.”

Patience has been a member of the LHS lacrosse team and is currently a member of Best Buddies.

“I would say my favorite class was my Honors Spanish 3 class junior year, with Mrs. Piragis,” Patience said.  “I enjoy learning Spanish and I definitely still want to improve, and Mrs. Piragis is a great teacher.  She made the class interesting and fun, and I did genuinely learn a lot more Spanish without even realizing it.”

Outside of school, Patience loves to be with her friends, going out to eat or shop, or just hanging out. She also likes to spend time outside, go to the gym and listen to music. 




Monday, September 23, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Nate Hankins (Football)

Senior football player Nate Hankins transferred to Leominster for his junior year and has been making an impact ever since he traded in his Red Raider helmet for Blue Devil one.  

“Nate Hankins arrived at LHS last year and has done a tremendous job becoming an important contributor to our football team,” LHS football coach Devin Gates said.  

Nate had a standout junior year playing on the defensive line for the Blue Devils.  This year, he is starting on both sides of the ball and excelling.  

Nate's athleticism allows him to be a dynamic player on the defensive line and his veteran presence on the offensive line is a stabilizing force with some new and young faces working to become better,” Gates said.  

“Nate is a leader and positive member of our school community,” Gates added.  “We are lucky to have him in Blue.”

Nate started playing football in second grade and has enjoyed playing the sport ever since.

You can clear all the distractions and focus on just football,” Nate said.  

As for being a Blue Devil, Nate said he has enjoyed his Twin City transfer.  

“All our teammates got each other's backs and we’re more like brothers than a team,” Nate said  

As for what he’s taken away from Gates and his new coaches, Nate said it’s all about perspective.

“I’ve learned to touch on the big things and things that mean most to me and don’t fill up all my time with the small things in life,” Nate said.  

After graduation, Nate hopes to play college football at the Division 2 level or higher and study physical therapy or HVAC.    

At LHS, Nate is part of the Chess Club and Best Buddies.  His favorite class is Honors Environmental Science with Ms. Montaruli.   

Outside of school, Nate works at the YMCA, plays basketball and enjoys video games. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Miles Phillpotts (Cross Country)

Sophomore cross country runner Miles Phillpotts has emerged as one of the top runners for coach Karen Marino’s Blue Devil cross country team this season.

Miles is a talented distance runner that has come back even stronger in his sophomore year,” Marino said.  “He pushes himself and challenges his teammates to continually improve.  I look forward to the success he will achieve this season and am honored to play a part in it.”

Miles started cross country running in the seventh grade, introduced to running by both his father and grandfather who are also running enthusiasts.  Miles grew to like the sport because of the challenges it presented to him.

I like the challenge of beating my time and pushing myself to keep improving,” Miles said.  

Miles also said being a part of the LSH cross country team has been a special experience, especially under Coach Marino.  

I like running with my friends and teammates,” Miles said.  “My coach taught me to really push myself and to keep improving.”  

With more than two years remaining in high school, Miles’ future plans are still developing, but he also knows he will run for as long as he can.

“I would like to continue running cross country in college and continue running to stay fit as an adult,” Miles said.  

Staying fit in high school is also part of Miles’ plan, wrestling in the winter and running track in the spring for the Blue Devils.

“My favorite class at LHS so far is English with one of my favorite teachers, Ms. McAuliffe,” Miles added.  

Outside of school, Miles enjoys going to the gym, spending time with family and friends, hiking, and playing his guitar. 


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Caroline Kelly (Field Hockey)

Junior field hockey player Caroline Kelly has lived in Leominster her entire life and started playing field hockey when she was in sixth grade.  Her mom, a field hockey player herself in college, was not surprisingly the one who introduced Caroline to field hockey.  From that early start, Caroline fell in love with the sport.

I love the fact that you immediately have a family and that everyone is so welcoming,” Caroline said. “I enjoy playing against skilled players because it helps me become a better player.”

Caroline also said being a part of the LHS field hockey team has a great overall experience.  

I love the connections I have made with my teammates and coaches over the years,” Caroline said. “They made my love for field hockey skyrocket and they made me realize that I want to play this sport in my future."

LHS field hockey coach Kate Phillips said Caroline brings a lot to the team each and every day.  

“As a junior captain and center midfielder, Caroline leads with both skill and determination, controlling the game from the heart of the field. She consistently demonstrates exceptional leadership and playmaking ability, and is a huge asset to our team.”

Caroline said patience is something she has learned from Coach Phillips.

Things take time and practice,” Caroline said.  “You are not going to be amazing at something the first time you try it.  It takes hard work and determination in order to achieve your goals.”

After high school, Caroline hopes to continue to be involved in the game.

“I would definitely like to continue playing after high school,” Caroline said.  “My plans are to play field hockey in college at a high level, with the possibility of coaching in the future.”

“As of now, it is my goal to go to college and study sports management or business,” Caroline added. “It would be a dream to become a commentator or a coach after school.”

At LHS, Caroline is also on the varsity basketball and lacrosse teams.  She is in Best Buddies and National Honor Society.  

“My favorite class has been chemistry my sophomore year and my favorite teacher is Mr. Billingham,” Caroline said.  

Outside of school, Caroline loves to go to the fields, work, hang out with friends and sisters and travel.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Conner Nevins (Golf)

Junior golfer Conner Nevins has lived in Leominster for the past nine years after moving to Leominster from Milford, MA.  Conner is a third-year member of the LHS Blue Devil golf team and has emerged as a genuine leader according to LHS golf coach Daryl Robichaud.  

“Conner is a leader both in the classroom as well as on the course as evidenced by his ambitious, honors-laden schedule and his selection by his teammates at the end of his sophomore year to serve as a co-captain during his junior season."

Conner has also shown major improvement on the course since joining the team. 

“His scoring average as a sophomore was 5.47 strokes lower than his freshman year and his current average for his junior campaign is 4.65 strokes lower than that,” Robichaud said.  

“Conner is developing a keen sense of course management while also adding distance,” Robichaud added.  “This combination has made him a threat to go low at any time and on any course." 

Conner’s impact has gone well beyond the course as well.  

"Conner was single-handedly responsible for the largest fundraising effort in program history when he coordinated with the leaders and membership of Monoosnock Country Club to secure approval for a three-day fundraising event in late July that fully funded this year's ancillary purchases." 

Conner’ golf journey began four years ago when Conner and his dad picked up the clubs and started playing a lot of golf together.  Conner was immediately hooked on the game.

The mental challenge in golf makes it so difficult but really rewarding when you start playing well,” Conner said.

Conner said joining the LHS golf team brought things to a new level.

“The team brings together a group of athletes who can help each other get better and I look forward to school starting because I have the routine of golfing nearly every day after school,” Conner said.

Conner also said he has also learned a lot of Coach Robichaud, particularly about the mental side of the game.

“Golf is really mental and one of the most important things for me to think about is to just play the game I know how to,” Conner said.

While still  a bit early to think about, Conner would like to continue playing golf after high school while furthering his education.  

“I would love to play golf in college but it's very competitive and will take lots of work for me to make it,” Conner said.  “I will stay dedicated and hopefully I will be fortunate enough to play in college.  I am really interested in engineering and would like to pursue a career designing.  I'm not exactly sure what type of engineering I would like to do but I plan on figuring lots out this year.”

At LHS, Conner also plays lacrosse and is the ski racing team.  His favorite classes have been his honors classes with Mr. Robichaud.  

Outside of school, Conner is golfing as much as he can and skiing with friends and family.  

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Samara Rosado (Girls' Volleyball)

Senior girls’ volleyball player Samara Rosado has been an impactful team member since joining the volleyball program her sophomore year acco...