Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: The "Holiday Spreaders"

For Blue Devil lacrosse teammates Gray Dallaire, Anderson Dallaire, Nathan Taylor, and Devon Smith, their work together goes well beyond the field.  The four teammates are part of a United Way Youth Venture group called the “Holiday Spreaders,” which was formed seven years ago by Devon’s older brother Ethan.  Once a month, the group makes a visit - or during the pandemic, a virtual visit - to the “Harbor” wing at Leominster Crossing, where they spend time with the residents of the Alzheimer's unit there.  

The idea came from the belief that many of the residents in the unit didn’t get many visitors except during the major holidays, so the purpose of the group is to fill those gaps.


Each month,  a volunteer is responsible for planning the activities and getting any necessary supplies.  The activities focus on motor skills, memory stimulation, art and music.  Devon has been involved with the “Holiday Spreaders since it began.  


“To me, it's about spending time with them and helping them feel special, not forgotten,” Devon said.  “During the pandemic, there were no visitors allowed, and we were able to connect with them on Zoom and give them that personal connection that they were so desperately needing.  We care deeply about the residents and they are like a second family to us.  I also feel it's vital for us younger people to give back to the community"


The Holiday Spreaders have also run many successful fundraisers during their time, raising money to buy the residents iPads to play games on and Amazon Echo’s to listen to music on, as well as fidget blankets and other valuable items.  


Gray said the group is eager to do whatever they can to make a difference.


This could mean anything from playing games with them, telling them stories or doing arts and crafts,” Gray said.  “I feel this work is more important now than it has been in the past, with COVID shutting many things down, Leominster Crossing had to turn away visitors leaving many of the people in the home without contact with their family, so once a month we would hold a virtual meetings to perform science experiments and show them videos.”


“We have recently started going back in person, and you can see the smiles on their faces every time we go to see them,” Gray added.  “Personally, what I have gotten out of this is the joy of knowing that you are making a difference in someone's life and truly knowing that people's lives can be better because you are in it.”


“I have learned so much from our group,” Anderson added.  “The first thing I have learned is that one person can actually make a difference to someone. Seeing the joy we bring to the residents has meant the world to me. This is important to me because I know I will want people there for me when I get older so I know they enjoy it.” 


Devon and Anderson recently received a scholarship from the United Way for their efforts.  With the three seniors moving on,  Gray is the new president of the Venture, taking over for Devon, and he has already recruited new members to keep this Venture going into the future. 






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