Friday, December 24, 2021

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Warren Acceus (Boys' Basketball)

Current senior Blue Devil Warren Acceus moved to Leominster from Lynn when he was in the sixth grade.  He was introduced to basketball by his cousins who used to come over to his house and play NBA Live on the Xbox.  From there, Warren was hooked, playing for a variety of teams throughout his childhood including YMCA in elementary school and a variety of AAU teams along the way including his most recent team, the Central Mass. Lions.  

Warren said what he likes most about basketball is coming through in pressure situations.

“What I like most about the sport is late in the game when it is tied up and really competitive and everybody is into the game with something on the line,” Warren said.

Warren also said he has enjoyed his time being a member of the Blue Devil basketball team.

“What I like about being on the team is being surrounded by great players and a good coaching staff,” Warren said.  “What I really like and enjoy most is all the good teams we will be able to go up  against and have a good competitive experience.”

LHS boys’ basketball head coach Kevin Grutchfield said it has been great watching the maturation of Warren. 

“He really took a leap last year and became a defensive force,” Grutchfield said.  “He affects the game with his speed and athletic ability.  He worked hard all summer on his offensive game and he has started out the year as one of our leaders.”


“He is a great kid, good student athlete who has worked his way through our program and improved every year,” Grutchfield added.  “He is someone the younger kids in our program can look to as what you can achieve if you work hard enough.”


We're hoping to get Warren playing at the next level. He deserves it and will do what it takes to get there.


Warren hopes to play basketball in college and is interested in becoming a police officer.


“We're hoping to get Warren playing at the next level,” Grutchfield said.  “He deserves it and will do what it takes to get there.”


“If not, I would like to play in another competitive league where I can keep having fun,” Warren said.  


Warren also said he has learned a lot from coach Grutchfield.


“Something I learned from my coach last season in my junior year was to always keep working and keep giving effort regardless of the situation,” Warren said.  I say this because at the beginning of the season I didn't start and barely played even though I thought I should have. I didn't change my attitude or play any differently.  I just kept working harder and by the end of the season I was able to start for the rest of the season to finals. This showed me hard work paid off.”


Warren plans on running track in the spring and said his favorite class at LHS is gym.  His favorite teacher has been Mrs. Burns.  


“My favorite teacher would be Mrs. Burns because she was really helpful and was caring to make me take a harder class even though I kept asking her to put me in the easier one.”


Outside of school Warren’s hobbies consist of working out, hanging out with friends and listening to music. 



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