Saturday, January 15, 2022

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: The Fava Sisters (Cheerleading)

Sophomore cheerleader Cassie Fava started cheerleading during her freshman year at LHS thanks to a strong influence from her older twin sisters, Katie and Ellie.

I was a gymnast, so I always kind of knew about cheer and honestly it always looked fun to me, but when my sisters decided to do it their freshman year, I knew I wanted to definitely do it too.”

Katie and Ellie also both did gymnastics growing up, setting the stage for their transition to cheer once they arrived at LHS.

“Growing up, I did gymnastics and going into high school cheer was the most like it,” Ellie said.  

“I did gymnastics my whole life and thought it would be the easiest sport to transition into,” Katie added.   

LHS cheer coach Tracey Hartman said that the gymnastics background for all three sisters was the key to the successful transition into cheer.

“Their physical strength and body awareness all come from their gymnastic background,” Hartman said.  “This, combined with their height, really helps in the stunting department.”

Hartman also said she also notices another motivator between all three sisters.  

“A touch of sibling rivalry helps motivate them when it comes to tumbling skills,” Hartman said.   “While they may joke and tease each other as sisters do, when they need a word of encouragement, the beauty of sisterhood becomes apparent.  Obviously the Fava’s are family, making our cheer team a pretty awesome second family.”

Katie said being a part of the team is a positive experience for her because of the excitement and enthusiasm shared with the coaches teammates.  

“It was really uplifting especially when someone was struggling either in the sport or out of it,” Katie said.  

“The friendships I made and the memories I have from being on a team since freshman year,” are Ellie’s top reasons why she has enjoyed being a part of the team so much.  

Cassie’s experience with the team has been shorter, but similar.

“I love the environment, and the girls,” Cassie said.  “They’re some of the most supportive, kind people I've ever met and I’ve had some great friendships come out of cheer.”

Katie and Ellie are the captains for coach Hartman’s team as well.

“Katie and Ellie are captains of our winter cheer team and have been such a consistent presence through the revolving Covid door,” Hartman said.  “They are quite literally the glue that holds us together.”

Hartman also said it was pretty special to have three sisters on the team at the same time.

“I think it is so cool that all three are varsity cheerleaders and there is a unique dynamic it brings to our team,” Hartman said.  “The trio are just what any coach is looking for.  They are excellent students and positive role models.”

Hartman also indicated that all three sisters are leaders in their own way.  

“Their leadership style is subtle, but so appreciated by our coaching staff,” Hartman said.  “Just by doing the right thing, supporting the needs of their teammates, modeling effective communication and truly being coachable Katie and Ellie really are part of the foundation of our team.  It is no surprise that Cass follows in their footsteps.”  

After graduation, Katie plans on going to college and studying education with an aim at being an English teacher someday at a high school or college.  Ellie is considering going to college and studying culinary arts.  

Katie said her favorite classes in high school have been her Health Occupations classes.  

“Even though I'm no longer interested in the health field, it's still a very comfortable class to be in,” Katie said.  “The teachers from that class are among my favorites.  Mrs. Phelps, who retired last year and Mrs. Ordway, having four years to learn with them really allowed us to get to know them and learn a lot from them as teachers.”

Ellie said she has enjoyed her culinary classes in CTEi and her favorite teacher, Chef McLaughlin.

For Cassie, she said her favorite class so far has been Health Assisting.  


Friday, January 7, 2022

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Diamani Canuto (Girls' Indoor Track)

Junior girls’ indoor track standout Diamani Canuto moved to Leominster from Revere when she was in the third grade.  During her freshman year at LHS, Diamani went out for indoor track and never looked back.  Diamani said she got interested in track because of her family and their positive experiences.

“My mom used to run track when she was in high school and so did my older brother,” Diamani said. “Hearing her experience and getting to watch my older brother motivated me to try the sport out.”

Diamani said running track provides her with a rush of adrenaline.

“I like the anticipation of when it's getting close to it being my turn to step on the track and run,” Diamani said.  “And when it is my turn, it feels like an energetic boost has taken over and my nerves are gone.”

LHS girls’ track coach Karen Marino said Diamani just does things differently than her competitors.

Diamani Canuto is the athlete on the track that immediately catches your attention because her running form is so beautiful to watch,” Marino said.  “She is a natural athlete that is not afraid to put in the hard work, making her a joy to coach.”

Marino said Diamani is also a versatile athlete, competing in sprints, relays, and the high jump.    

“Look for Diamani to be a top performer for 300m and high jump in Central Mass.,” Marino added.  

Diamani said she has learned a lot from coach Marino in terms of being able to be at her best.  

“Throughout my seasons of track, I've learned that time is the key to everything, in track and out,” Diamani said.  “Past seasons weren't entirely my best, I was getting injured left and right and it limited my ability to even compete one year.  I like to test my limits and keep going until I really can't anymore.  Coach was there and helped me get back to where I am now, even better than before.” 

Diamani also said she truly enjoys being part of the track team at LHS.

“What I like most about being a part of this team at LHS is how welcoming it is,” Diamani said.  “When I first started track, I had no idea what I was doing but during practices many of the upperclassmen were helpful.  And during meets, everyone cheers everyone on and we all have a good time.”

After high school, Diamani plans to go to college and study sports medicine.

“My love for sports has always been there and I've always thought of being a doctor so the two made a perfect fit in my view,” Diamani said.  “I would also love to travel the world someday.”

She also hopes to continue her running career.

“I would love to run after high school,” Diamani said.  “My plan would be to run for a college someday and possibly make it even further into the big world.” 

At LHS, Diamani is involved in GIVE and TRIO.  As for her favorite teacher at LHS, Diamani couldn’t pick just one.

“I wouldn't say I have a favorite teacher, I like them all,” Diamani said.  “My favorite class at LHS would have to be physics this year with Mr.Noviello.  I like how the class challenges me and leaves me questioning things whenever I walk out of the room.”

Outside of school, Diamani plays flag football for Leominster. 

“We have an all girls team and we travel for tournaments,” Diamani said.  “We put a team together not too long ago, two years will be in July.”


Thursday, January 6, 2022

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Tucker Mitton (Boys' Hockey)

Senior Blue Devil hockey player Tucker Mitton wasted no time pursuing his hockey dreams, starting to skate when he was just 18 months old while playing his first organized hockey game at just three years old.

Tucker said his father and his uncles, Cody and Tyler Warila, were instrumental in getting him into the game of hockey.  Both Cody (Worcester St.) and Tyler (Fitchburg St.) played collegiate hockey.  

Tucker said ever since getting introduced to hockey, he has loved the game.

The friendships created and the whole hockey community are what I like most,” Tucker said.  “It’s such a fast-paced game which almost everyone loves.”

Coach Frank Mooney said Tucker has emerged as one of the top forwards on the Blue Devils this season.  

“He is an outstanding skater, has smooth hands, and a good shot,” Mooney said.  “As a teammate, he is always positive and has a good attitude.  He is a player other guys on our team can always look up to.”

Tucker said he has thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Blue Devil hockey team.

“The bonds I have with most of the guys I have been playing with for three or four years,” Tucker said. “Even through losses, we all stick together and keep each other's heads up.” 

Tucker said teamwork has been key for the Blue Devil team, a major point of emphasis established by Mooney.

“(Coach Mooney) expects for the team to use each other's strengths to put together in order to succeed,” Tucker said.  

After graduation hopes to continue playing hockey, but does know he would like to study Health Science in college to become a chiropractor.

At LHS, Tucker also plays lacrosse and participates in the Best Buddies and LifeSkills programs as a mentor.  

Tucker said his favorite class at LHS was World Geography with Mr. Kyne.  Off the ice Tucker enjoys spending time with his friends and family.  

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Samara Rosado (Girls' Volleyball)

Senior girls’ volleyball player Samara Rosado has been an impactful team member since joining the volleyball program her sophomore year acco...