Saturday, May 20, 2023

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Zack Casey (Baseball)

Junior Blue Devil catcher Zack Casey started playing baseball when he was five, getting his start in Leominster American Little League.  Since that young age, Zack has always gravitated to all things baseball.

I always had a bat or glove in my hand since I could walk,” Zack said.  “I also went to countless Red Sox games as a kid.”

Zack has evolved into one of the area's best catchers.  He is so good, most opposing teams don’t even bother attempting to steal on him.   

“Zack Casey is the best defensive catcher that I have had in 10 years,” LHS baseball coach Rich Barnaby said.  “Oftentimes the pitching staff gets all of the press, however baseball people know that a premier catcher takes a good pitching staff and makes them special.  For us, Zack is the best catcher in the area and he is a secret weapon that makes it really difficult for teams to score on us.”

Barnaby also remarked at Zack’s team-first mentality.   

“Zack is selfless, oftentimes giving up swings in practice to catch bullpens,” Barnaby said.  “A thankless job that he never complains about.”

Zack said he embraces his role on the team.

As a catcher I love being a leader and playing the game from that perspective,” Zack said.

Zack also loves representing LHS on the baseball field.

“My teammates, coaches, the competitive nature and winning culture is what I love the most about being a Blue Devil,” Zack said.  

That winning culture starts with Barnaby’s unwavering commitment to playing the game the right way, as well as doing it the right way off the field.  

“Coach Barnaby has taught me to be relentless and to always compete,” Zack said.  “Whether it’s in practice, games, or in life.  To be a good person on and off the field and to give back to people who have helped you along the way.”

Zack hopes to play baseball in college and is in the process of seeing where the right fit might be.

“I am looking to major in Exercise Science focusing on becoming a Physical Therapist,” Zack said.  “I also hope to use my carpentry experience as a backup plan,” Zack said.  

Zack is in the CTEi Carpentry program where he and his classmates are currently finishing up an addition at a Leominster residence.  Zack also played football during his first two years of high school.   

Zack’s favorite class at LHS/CTEi was Geometry with Mrs. Mazzaferro last year, while also truly enjoying his shop experience.  

“Carpentry with Mr. Arnell, Mr. Bachant, and Mr. Fontaine is also a class I really enjoy because of the hands-on aspect of it,” Zack said.  

Outside of school, Zack enjoys hanging out with friends, playing travel baseball for the summer for the Nor’Easters, and working out.  

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Kaitlyn Perrault (Girls' Tennis)

Senior Kaitlyn Perrault has lived in Leominster all her life, but had never competitively played tennis before high school.  Unfortunately for Kaitlyn, and all other spring athletes in the class of 2023, their high school athletic careers had a delayed start.  

"Kaitlyn is a third year tri-captain for the team this year,” said LHS girls’ tennis coach Daryl Robichaud.  “Despite having her freshman year lost to the Covid pandemic she has shown steady improvement each year with the program."

Kaitlyn joined the team after conversations with Robichaud and has never looked back.

"Kaitlyn started her career as a doubles player as a sophomore compiling a 1-1 record at the Second Doubles position,” Robichaud said.  As a junior she posted an impressive 11-3 record for a team that qualified for the State Tournament, while playing in the First Doubles, Second Doubles and Third Singles slots.  This year she has solidified our Second Singles spot - while also playing one match at First Singles - and currently boasts a gaudy 5-1 record."

Following last season, Kaitlyn was named a Mid-Wach B All-Stat (Doubles) along with her partner, Gina Iacoboni, after they went undefeated during the 2022 campaign including a win against Danvers in the State Tournament.  Additionally, her teammates selected her as Co-Most Improved Player (along with Claire Desmarais) and as a Tri-Captain for her senior season.

Robichaud said Kaitlyn has provided valuable leadership during her time as a Blue Devil.  

"Kaitlyn's leadership will be sorely missed after this season as she has been a key component in the resurgence of the Girls' Tennis Program over the past three years,’ Robichaud said.  

Kaitlyn said the sport of tennis is unique when compared to other sports.  

The thing I like the most about tennis is how you can be independently competitive with yourself and play in singles while still being on a team and being surrounded by support,” Kaitlyn said.  

As for being a part of the LHS tennis team, the benefits have been more than just the competitive, on-court components.  

“Being a part of the tennis team at Leominster High School has given me the opportunity to laugh and get my mind off of school when I had a difficult day and needed an escape,” Kaitlyn said.  “There are so many girls that know exactly how to cheer you up and make you laugh when you need it.”

She has also learned a great deal from Coach Robichaud. 

“Something I have learned from Mr. Robichaud this season is to trust that you will end up where you belong,” Kaitlyn said.  “I began my sophomore year playing second doubles and now I am in second singles winning a majority of the matches that I play.  Improvement takes time and you have to trust the process.”

Kaitlyn also has the next steps in her life figured out.

“My post high school plans are to attend Indiana University (Bloomington) and major in Law and Public Policy,” Kaitlyn said.  “After graduating college I plan to attend law school.  In my future I plan to be a corporate attorney.”

At Leominster High School, Kaitlyn is the Vice President of the Student Council, Vice President of the mock trial team, Secretary of S.T.U.M.P (Students for the Transparency and Understanding of Municipal Politics), a member of the National Honor Society, and was a former captain for the varsity volleyball team.

Her favorite classes at LHS have been A.P. U.S. Government with Mrs. Murphy and A.P. Environmental Science with Mrs. Montaruli.  Picking a favorite teacher however was not an easy question for Kaitlyn to answer.  

“Picking a favorite teacher would be extremely difficult because I love and appreciate every teacher I have had for different reasons,” Kaitlyn said.  "Mr. Robichaud has always been there to support and help me in both school and as a coach when it came to tennis and always showed me the values and return for being a student first and athlete second.  Mrs. Murphy opens her room each day at 6:30AM to myself and others and is always free to talk about what’s going on in my life and I know I am always able to rely on her to help me when I need it.  Mrs.Murphy has been both a friend and a teacher to me and that is all any student could ask for.”

Outside of school, Kaitlyn works at the 110 Grill in Leominster and volunteers with the United Way Youth Venture team Holiday Spreaders.



Friday, May 5, 2023

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Michael Halstead, Gray Dallaire, Gio Arman (Boys' Lacrosse)

For Leominster boys’ lacrosse coach Colin Davis, it’s been a true pleasure coaching his senior trio of Gio Arman (middle photo), Gray Dallaire (bottom photo) and Michael Halstead (top photo).

“All three are multiple sport varsity athletes as well as academic all-American candidates, so they are stars on the field, in the classroom and in the community,” Davis said.

Halstead started playing lacrosse in sixth grade after seeing a flier on the wall at Skyview Middle School.

“I love the pace of the game and how every play requires something different,” Halstead said.  “The connections, making new friends with teammates as well as the recognition off the field are what I like the most about being a part of the LHS program.”

Dallaire started playing in second grade because his older brother played and showed him how to play.

“I love how fast-paced the game is, there is no down time, it's just go, go, go,” Dallaire said.  “The atmosphere of being part of a team day in and day out that is going through the same ups and downs as you is what I like the most about our LHS team.”  

Arman started playing lacrosse in the fifth grade.

“My brother at the time was in high school where he was introduced to the sport and convinced my mom to sign me up for the youth team,” Arman explained.

“I like the competitiveness when I’m up against a defender during a game and it comes down to who’s better,” Arman said.  “Knowing that I’m part of a unique group of individuals who have each other's back is what I enjoy about being a Blue Devil.”  

For Arman, this will be his last year playing lacrosse as he will attend Fitchburg State and study Biology next year.

“Unfortunately my lacrosse career ends here,” Arman said.  “I honestly had no desire to play the sport in the near future.  I was offered to play at the D2 division from two colleges but I turned them down thanking them for the consideration.”

Dallaire will be attending Iowa State University next year where he will study Animal Ecology and hopefully continue playing lacrosse with the club program.  

Halstead plans on attending Syracuse University and studying either Environmental Engineering or Environmental Science while also playing club or intramural lacrosse.  

Here at LHS, Halstead plays soccer and basketball and is in the National Honor Society and part of the Best Buddies program.  His favorite class was Physics with Mr. Noviello.  Outside of school, Halstead likes to golf, ski and hang out with friends.  

Dallaire was the captain of the field hockey team in the fall, and is the Vice President of STUMP, as well as the President of the United Way Youth Venture “Holiday Spreaders.”  

His favorite class was A.P. Biology and his favorite teacher is Mr. Sheehan, a teacher he calls “the greatest physics teacher” as well as Ms. Murphy who Dallaire said was instrumental in getting him into STUMP.

Outside of school, Dallaire enjoys going on rides with friends, going to the movies and listening to music, in particular, Frank Sinatra.

Arman has run cross country here at LHS and was a team captain in addition to running indoor track.  He’s also been a member of STUMP, Student Government and Biology Club.  Arman said his favorite teacher here at LHS Biology during his freshman year and his favorite teacher is the now-retired Mrs. Foley.  Outside of school, Arman enjoys relaxing.  


Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Samara Rosado (Girls' Volleyball)

Senior girls’ volleyball player Samara Rosado has been an impactful team member since joining the volleyball program her sophomore year acco...