Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Taylor Crowley and Natalie Brady (Cheer)

Senior cheerleaders Natalie Brady and Taylor Crowley exemplify everything that is meant when you hear the phrase, “student-athlete.”  Beyond their persistence in the classroom and on the cheer team, they are both members of the National Honor Society where Taylor serves as the president.  Additionally, they have been student demonstrators/trainers for the local AYF/AYC cheer teams paying it forward to our next generation of cheerleaders.

“Both Natalie and Taylor serve important athletic roles on our team,” LHS cheer coach Tracey Hartman said.  “As a back spot, Natalie's primary role is to protect the flyer by taking command of the stunt group.  At times this requires putting your own body between the flyer and the floor.  You can imagine this can come with battered and bruised body parts.  Knowledge of the mechanics of the sequence as well as the timing is crucial to the success.”

“Taylor functions as a utility athlete on the team and her role has changed from season to season and even from practice to practice,” Hartman continued.  “As a freshman she served as a supporting flyer in our pyramid, and has continued on as a base in both pyramids and baskets, a front that is the glue that makes our stunts successful, and has stepped into basing elite skills at games and in practices making her prepared for any need that arises at any given moment.  Additionally, Taylor has continued to gain new tumbling each year contributing to the difficulty score our team strives for.”  

“The most significant contribution of cheer skills that both Natalie and Taylor offer our team is their attention to detail and how that relates to their showmanship and performance abilities,” Hartman added.  “This is true both on the sidelines and on the competition floor.”

Taylor was born in Leominster and lived in Leominster until she was five, before moving to Lunenburg and then Townsend where she lives now.  She started cheerleading when she was six years old cheering for AYF.  Natalie has lived in Leominster her whole life and after trying soccer and dance, cheer was the sport she ended up liking the most.

The feeling that you get before going on the mat to compete and the feeling of finishing a routine is something I can’t even begin to describe,” Natalie said.  “Similarly at football games, standing under the lights on Friday nights have been some of my best memories in high school.”

“LHS is a school surrounded by school spirit and it really shows when you are on the field cheering to the excited crowd,” Taylor added.  

Taylor plans on attending a four-year college close to home and then going to Law school to earn a degree in Law.  In addition to her work with the National Honor Society, she helps out with the 2024 Student Government and is part of Best Buddies.

“My favorite class in my high school career would have to be Life Skills mentor, but my favorite teacher has to be Mrs. D’Aniello,” Taylor said.  

Natalie plans on attending college and majoring in Biology on a pre-medical track with the ultimate goal of becoming a physician.  During her time here at LHS, she has also participated in Best Buddies and varsity tennis.  

“My favorite class at LHS has to be A.P. Biology my sophomore year with Mrs. Billingham,” Natalie said.  “However, my favorite teacher here at school is Mr. Robichaud who I had the privilege to be in his class for two years and I was a TA for as well.  He also is my tennis coach, which I decided to try for the first time last spring and love it.”

Outside of school, Natalie remains quite busy.

“I volunteer to coach the Leominster Youth Cheer 14u team with Taylor, and when I’m not doing that or working, I am either hanging out with friends or supporting them at their own sports games,” Natalie said.  

Taylor enjoys hanging out with friends and coaching youth cheer.  She also works at Kimball Farm scooping ice cream.  

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Jake Paskell (Football)

On October 26th, 2021, current LHS senior Jake Paskell was diagnosed with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.  But those that know Jake best know what a tough and competitive person he is and fast forward two years later, Jake is spending his days and nights on the football field playing the game he loves.  

“I have never met a stronger, more resilient person, than Jake Paskell,” LHS football coach Devin Gates said.  “The adversity he and his family have faced over the last few years was immense, but they never wavered and they never lost faith.  Jake beating cancer is just how his story is going to go, period.  I think our coaches and Jake's teammates always knew that he was going to be back playing, so for us it was just, alright, Jake is back, but when you actually take a minute and think of what he had to battle to get to this point, it's nothing short of amazing.”

Jake is not only back on the football field, but he is starting on the offensive line and playing at a high level.  

“It's just incredible,” Gates said.  “He's an outstanding young man that we are lucky to have on our team and in our lives.  He has endured more in his young life than most do for the entirety of theirs, and he always does it with either a smile or a look of determination on his face, never doubt.”

Jake, who has lived in Leominster his entire life started playing football when he was in the seventh grade.

“I was big for my age in seventh grade and the coaches wanted me to play,” Jake said.  

Since that first experience, Jake has really grown to love the game of football and being part of the LHS football team.  

I mainly love the competitiveness and the drive to win,” Jake said.  “The environment at Doyle Field is amazing and I love my teammates.  Everybody pushes each other to work harder every day. Nothing is better than Leominster football.”

Jake has also learned a lot from Coach Gates.

“I learned that he really cares about everyone and has an incredible drive to win,” Jake said.  

Jake said this will likely be his last year of football, as he plans on going to college and majoring in Journalism next year with dreams of becoming a sports writer.

“I am not planning on playing football in college so this is most likely my final season,” Jake said.  “I’m soaking it all in day by day and taking advantage of my time.”

At LHS, Jake also plays on the baseball team for Coach Barnaby and loves taking history classes.  

“I love history so I don’t have a particular favorite class but all the history classes I’ve taken are up there,” Jake said.  “My favorite teacher though is Dr. DeCarvalho.”

Outside of school, Jake likes to golf and hang out with friends.  

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Samara Rosado (Girls' Volleyball)

Senior girls’ volleyball player Samara Rosado has been an impactful team member since joining the volleyball program her sophomore year acco...