Thursday, October 29, 2020

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Gabriella Santucci (Field Hockey)

For sophomore field hockey player Gabriella “Gabby” Santucci, she’s only been playing the sport for a little over a year, but in just that short period of time, she’s already left an impressive mark with the program.  

A year ago as a freshman, Gabby was pulled up to the varsity squad from the JV squad halfway through the season because of her “natural talent for the game,” according to varsity field hockey coach Brittney Field.  Since that promotion, Gabby, who also is an accomplished lacrosse player, hasn’t looked back.  She currently has four goals and an assist for the Blue Devils, ranking her among the top scorers on the team.  

“Two of her goals were scored against Shrewsbury and the other two were scored against Algonquin, two very talented and challenging teams,” Field said.

Field said Gabby contributes to the success of the team in a variety of ways.  

Gabby is such a versatile player and has amazing vision on the field allowing her to read and make plays naturally,” Field said.  “She always displays excellent sportsmanship and is a great teammate to her peers.” 

“I am always amazed by the level of intensity that she plays with regardless of what team we are playing or what the score is,” Field added.  “I am looking forward to watching her continue to grow throughout her next two seasons with our program.” 

Gabby has lived in Leominster her entire life and got her start in field hockey thanks to a couple friends.

“A couple of my friends asked if I wanted to do a clinic with them and I instantly loved the game,” Gabby said.  

Gabby said she loves the excitement on the field when playing.  

“You are always moving and fighting for the ball,” Gabby said.  “My teammates are always cheering each other on and keeping a positive energy on and off the field.  It makes the game even more fun than it already is.”

Despite her love of field hockey, Gabby hopes to one day play college lacrosse.  She also said that’s a long way off and will continue to work hard and earn good grades.  

As for the field hockey team at LHS, Gabby said it’s a special group.

“I love being on a team that cheers you on when you’re doing well and always pushing you to work your hardest,” Gabby said.  

Gabby plays club lacrosse all year long, and loves to travel and explore new places.  

“Not many people know this about me, but I’ve always enjoyed painting,” Gabby added.  

Gabby said her time at LHS has also been a positive one, especially her freshman Honors U.S. History I class with Mr. Barnaby.  

“I’ve had many teachers and classes that I’ve enjoyed so far, so choosing one is difficult, but Honors Freshman U.S. History with Mr. Barnaby was definitely one of my favorites,” Gabby said.  “I’ve always enjoyed history and he made it interesting and fun at the same time.”

Monday, October 26, 2020

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Kai Ryan (Cross Country)

For junior Kai Ryan, each fall always meant playing the sport of soccer.  This year, Kai switched sports, electing to keep running though, joining the cross country team.  

Kai said the transition has been a positive experience so far.  

“This is my first season of running cross country,” Kai said.  “I've been a track and field runner since seventh grade but would always play soccer in the fall. This year I made the tough decision of quitting soccer, a sport I had played my whole life, in order to focus more on running.”

Kai said he enjoys the many benefits of running.  

“Anybody can run, you don't need a ball, special gear, or accessories,” Kai said.  “Running is a sport that's inclusive of everyone.  Everyone can set their own goals for themselves, and it's very easy to see results and improvement through the times that you run.”

Kai also said enjoys being part of the Blue Devil cross country family.

“Everyone's very supportive of each other, I love how the rest of the team will cheer on our teammates who are running at the moment, and when anyone crosses the finish line we are all proud of them,” Kai said.  

Cross country coach Danielle Lussier said Kai’s transition has been a smooth one.  

“This is my first season coaching Kai and I am impressed at his hard work and dedication this season,” Lussier said.  “I believe he transferred last year and only ran outdoor track.  Cross country is very different from running outdoor and I am so impressed at how well he is running this season.  I am excited to see him continue to get better each week.”

In school, Kai said his favorite teacher is Mr. Noviello.

“When it comes to my favorite teacher, I would have to give it up to Mr. Noviello,” Kai said.  “His Cosmology class is a course I would recommend to everyone.”

When not in school, Kai enjoys skiing, camping, going to the track and hanging out with friends.

Kai would like to stay in the New England area for college and study nursing.  As for running in college, Kai said he hopes to stay involved one way or another.  

“In an ideal world I would be able to continue running in college, but I think I will have to pursue running just as a hobby or as a club sport,” Kai said. 


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Alex Miller (Boys' Soccer)

Photo Credit: Melony Letarte Photography

Born in Madrid, Spain, before living in Mexico for a few years, junior midfielder and captain Alex Miller has been playing soccer since he was four-years old, coming from a family who has a deep love for the sport.  Alex, who has lived in Leominster for the past 13 years, is the total package according to boys’ varsity soccer coach Steve McCaughey.  

“Alex has extraordinary talent and he has grown into an exceptional leader,” McCaughey said.  “He is one of the top players in Central Massachusetts and is able to do things with a soccer ball that seem impossible.  More importantly, he is one of the hardest working players on my team and is capable of making the players around him better.”

Alex, who also plays club soccer for the FC Stars, said he loves being part of the sport.   

“I like how it brings people from different nationalities and societies,” Alex said.  

Alex is aiming to play NCAA Division 1 soccer and plans on studying to become a physical therapist.  

Before that though, Alex wants to enjoy the rest of his time being a part of the Blue Devil Nation.  

“I like how kids from all kinds of backgrounds come together and become great friends on and off the field,” Alex said.  

Alex said his favorite class at LHS is Honors Spanish 3 with Mrs. Piragis.

Alex is a hardworking, modest kid who doesn’t take his background knowledge of Spanish for granted in class,” Piragis said.  “He’s open to feedback and has a lot to contribute to class discussions regarding his experiences in Spain and Mexico.”

Off the field, Alex likes spending time with his friends and family.  His brother Yago, who graduated last year was also a standout soccer player at LHS.  Alex’s sister Emma, is making her mark to, playing varsity field hockey as a freshman for the Blue Devils.  

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Alexis Melanson (Girls' Soccer)

 Alexis Melanson (Senior, Girls' Soccer)

Senior defender Alexis Melanson has lived in Leominster her entire life, and for most of that time she has played soccer, thanks in large part to her parents.

“My parents introduced me to the sport,” Alexis said.  “They took me to tryouts in kindergarten I believe and I started to love the sport from the first time I started playing it until now.”

Alexis is now a key part of the Blue Devil soccer team, where she serves as one of the four team captains for coach Bryant Houle and his brother, fellow coach Scott Houle.  As it turns out, Alexis is quite familiar with both of her high school coaches.  

“My coach I have now, coach Bryant, has been my coach all throughout youth soccer so it’s awesome to have him and his brother to coach my last year of high school,” Alexis said.  

Bryant Houle said Alexis is a true pleasure to coach.  

“I would say first and foremost that regardless of Alexis being an athlete, she is a very respectful person to whomever she comes in contact with,” Houle said.   “She is also a very coachable player that works well with teammates.  Alexis a quiet leader.”   


Alexis has truly enjoyed her time as a student-athlete at Leominster High.  


“My favorite part about being part of a team in Leominster is all of the support the sports get from the other sports, as well as all of the students,” Alexis said.  “Last year, it was always fun having a big fan section for your game and having all of your friends watch and cheer you on from the sidelines.” 


Alexis’ love of soccer has her playing outside the high school as well, where she has played for club soccer programs including Global Premier Soccer, the Boston Breakers, and most recently with the FC Stars.  


Alexis said she likes the connections she makes with her teammates no matter what team she is playing for.  


Every team I am on always feels like a second family and it has always been such a nice place for me to get away from all of the other stressful things in my life,” Alexis said.  

The next team on Alexis’ radar is Emmanuel College in Boston, where she is verbally committed to play soccer next fall where she will study nursing.  

“After I complete my four years of nursing school, I plan to attend a graduate school to become a physician assistant,” Alexis said.  

At Leominster High, Alexis is a part of the National Honor Society and Best Buddies Club.  Alexis said she gets a lot out of the Best Buddies program.  

“This is one of my favorite clubs because not only are the students fun to be around, they make you feel loved and teach you something new everyday,” Alexis said.  “I love being a leader for the students in the club because they look up to you and it makes me able to teach them different social customs and skills.”

Alexis’ favorite class during her time at LHS has been Honors Physics with Mr. Noviello. 

“This was my favorite class because there were so many hands-on labs that I really enjoyed doing,” Alexis said.  “Mr. Noviello taught one of the hardest subjects in a way that was so easy to understand you felt confident in his class.” 

Outside of school, Alexis enjoys hanging out with friends and attending other sports contests, including watching her brother play ice hockey.  

Friday, October 16, 2020

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Eliza Howlett (Field Hockey)

Eliza Howlett (Senior, Field Hockey)

Senior captain Eliza Howlett has lived in Leominster her entire life and she says she is proud to be a Blue Devil and call Leominster her home.  Howlett started playing field hockey during her freshman year at LHS when one of her friends suggested they try out after speaking with former LHS field hockey coach Lauren Hatfield.  That decision proved to be a good one.  

“We worked out and practiced the entire summer leading up to tryouts and ended up making the team,” Eliza said.  “I was lucky to make varsity my freshman year and have learned so much from my teammates.” 

Now a senior, Howett is an offensive force for the Blue Devils.  In a recent 6-2 win on Senior Night over Westborough, Howlett scored twice while adding two assists to lead the Blue Devil attack.  

Eliza’s current coach, Brittney Field said Eliza helps the team in a variety of ways.  

Eliza is a versatile player who is always looking to improve her skills on the field,” Field said.  “She is a very coachable player because she listens to the recommendations given to her by her coaches and instantly implements those changes on the field.  Her determination and the level of intensity that she brings to each practice and game make her an excellent role model to her peers.”

Eliza has also played varsity lacrosse for the Blue Devils since her freshman year, but enjoys field hockey because of its uniqueness.  

This sport requires athletes to run and cover a large distance, stick handling a small hard ball on a field,” Eliza said.  “Not only does this require a lot of skill, but also a lot of communication. The sport has low scoring games compared to other sports, so when everything comes together and you hear that ball smack the back of the net there is no better feeling.”  

Eliza also said her entire athletic career at LHS has been a positive experience.  

“I am so lucky to be part of Blue Devil Nation,” Eliza said.  “Throughout my four years of high school, I have had such great coaches and teammates.  I have never met a more supportive group of people.  The friendships I have made with some of my teammates will last me a lifetime.”

Eliza said she would like to attend college in Boston and would like to major in Business but is keeping an open mind.  She also is keeping an open mind about playing field hockey in college if the opportunity presented itself.  

Outside of school, Eliza enjoys spending time with her friends and family, and she also is an avid reader when she has free time. 

In school, she said Mrs. Murphy's A.P. Government and Politics class has been her favorite class in her high school career.  

“I can think of many classes I have enjoyed, but this class is most applicable to issues pertinent to our country right now,” Eliza said.  “Mrs. Murphy is my favorite teacher.  Not only is she kind and supportive, but she is also a great teacher.  I have taken several classes with her.  She is always able to relate the content of the class to current events today.  I have learned so much from her.” 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Alessandro Conte (Golf)

Alessandro Conte (Junior, Golf)

When current Blue Devil golfer Alessandro Conte was in the seventh grade, his dad took him golfing at the Woods of Westminster, and that’s all it took for Alessandro to fall in love with the game of golf.   

Now a junior, Conte, who has lived in Leominster for the past seven years after living in Worcester before that, is a team captain on coach Daryl Robichaud’s highly competitive squad.

Robichaud said Conte has earned everything he has achieved so far in his Blue Devil career.  

Alessandro’s greatest strength is that he is a student of the game,” Robichaud said.  “He puts a tremendous amount of work in during the offseason perfecting his craft.”

Conte was also named a captain this year as a junior, something Robichaud said speaks volumes.  

“Elected as a captain after only his sophomore year, he is a consummate teammate who is always willing to mentor younger players both during practices and in matches,” Robichaud said.  

Conte said he likes a lot of things about the sport of golf.

“I love to get out and play on new courses,” Conte said.  “I like to try to beat my best score, it doesn't always happen.  I also like getting out on the course with my friends.  I love the comradery.”  

“I've also been really lucky to have great coaches who not only encourage and value talent, they value the most important things, like quality of character and being a good person and teammate,” Conte added.  

Conte also said he loves that even after high school, he can always play the game he loves.   

“The best thing about golf is that it's a lifelong sport,” Conte said.   “My great-grandfather is 94 and he still plays golf.”

Conte said he plans on attending college after grading from LHS.  

“If I can play sports in college, that would be great, but I know that takes a lot of talent and some luck.”

Conte also plays ice hockey and lacrosse at LHS and when outside of school, he likes to hang out with friends, golf, skate and also likes to cook.  His favorite dish to cook is Chicken Parmesan.   

At LHS, Conte said his favorite class so far is Algebra with Mr. Mooney, who is also the assistant ice hockey coach for the Blue Devils.  

“He's also one of my hockey coaches and he's my favorite teacher because he's nice, he has a great sense of humor, he's a great teacher and coach, and he's a great role model.”  


Friday, October 9, 2020

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Erin Bousquet (Cross Country)


Erin Bousquet (Senior, Cross Country)

During Erin Bousquet’s freshman year at Leominster High School, she went to a club and activity fair and happened to stop at the table promoting the cross country team.  Four years later, Bousquet is a mainstay on the team, recently posting the second best Blue Devil time of 27:28 in the team’s season opening meet at Algonquin. 

Bousquet has lived in Leominster for five years.  Before that, she lived in Tampa, FL and Westminster.  Bousquet said she has enjoyed her time on the girls’ cross country team here at LHS.

“(What I like most) is being part of a team and running with friends,” Bousquet said.  “The part I enjoy most is having such a small group of people that I have ran with in the past four years during every sport season.”  

Bousquet also participates in indoor track in the winter and outdoor track in the summer.  

Leominster cross country coach Danielle Lussier said Erin is a model student-athlete.  

“I have had the pleasure of knowing Erin since eighth grade,” Lussier said.  “She is a hard working student and athlete who always has a smile on her face.  She steps up to any challenge that you put in front of her and we are lucky to have her on our team.”

Bousquet said she would like to continue running cross country in college, even if that’s just for a club program.  

When she’s not running, Bousquet enjoys working and hanging out with friends.  

At LHS, Bousquet enjoys math and science classes, including Physics and Environmental Science.  She said her favorite teacher is Mr. Robichaud, “because I learned more about things actually useful to my future from being in his class for two years than any other class.”  

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Samara Rosado (Girls' Volleyball)

Senior girls’ volleyball player Samara Rosado has been an impactful team member since joining the volleyball program her sophomore year acco...