Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Hannah Collier (Girls' Volleyball)

Senior Hannah Collier started playing volleyball during her freshman year at LHS and has thoroughly enjoyed being part of the team for the past four seasons.  

My older sister used to play and she thought I would like it,” Hannah said.  “I tried out as soon as I got to high school and I have loved it ever since,” Hannah said.  

Hannah has excelled at other sports in the past, including swimming where she swam competitively for seven years.  Hannah also played lacrosse for the Blue Devils.  However volleyball is a sport Hannah truly has come to enjoy and get a lot out of.  

“I like the fact that we have to work as a team in order to succeed,” Hannah said.  “I feel like it's such an important skill to have for the future so I think it’s the thing I like the most about volleyball.”

“The thing that I like the best about being a part of the LHS volleyball team is that we are a team,” Hannah added.  “No one player makes the team.  We make the team all together.  We have to work as a unit together in order to succeed.  Working as a group just makes things so much better and more fun.”

Hannah also said she has learned a lot from girls’ volleyball coach John Antonetti, who started coaching the Blue Devils during her sophomore year.  

“He has helped me to start believing in myself and not to worry so much about messing up one pass because there is always the next one,” Hannah said.  “This past season, the most useful thing he has taught me is to tell myself that the ball is coming to me every time the other side of the court is passing the ball over the net.  This tip has helped me to get out of my head and ready for the next hit. It has greatly helped me with receiving the ball, which is great considering I play back row.”

Antonetti said Hannah is an underrated player.  

“She's mentally tough, a very positive player,” Antonetti said.  “She seldom gets down on herself, if she's involved in a bad play she makes up for it in the next opportunity.  She always gives everything she has.  She's that type of player, you wished you had six of them on the court at the same time.”

Hannah will attend Bridgewater State University in the fall where she will major in Special Education with a concentration in Severe Special Education.  

“I also plan to become an American Sign Language interpreter,” Hannah said.  

Hannah will also try out for the BSU volleyball team.

At LHS, Hannah has taken part in many clubs including G.I.V.E and NHS.  She is also the Vice President of Best Buddies.

Her favorite class so far in high school has been A.P. Government and Politics and International Justice and Global Community.  

“I don't think I can pick my favorite teacher because I have had so many great teachers,” Hannah added.  “Two of my definite favorites are Ms. Grimes and Mrs. Murphy.”

Outside of school, Hannah loves reading, writing, and art. 

“I also really enjoy swimming and I luckily found a great job where I can swim all the time considering I work as a lifeguard,” Hannah said.  


Friday, April 9, 2021

Blue Devil Alumni Spotlight: Jannelle Boisseau '11 (Service Engineer, Signify)

2011 LHS graduate Jannelle Boisseau is doing big things, literally.  Boisseau currently works for Signify where she serves as a service engineer.  Boisseau maintains and designs the architectural lighting for buildings and bridges in Manhattan and across the country.

“I have seen the NYC skyline from heights people dream of,” Boisseau said.  “I have felt the wind at 1,200 feet up and the way buildings that massive sway in strong winds.  I am able to say I worked on the Eminem music video at the Empire State Building as well as every event from late 2017 until present.  I am one of the lucky ones and all the wonderful support and love from LHS helped make it possible.” 

Currently, her buildings include the Empire State Building, Madison Square Garden, One World Trade Center, 4 Times Square, One Bryant Park, and one of the newest skyscrapers in Manhattan, One Vanderbilt.  Two of the bridges Boisseau and her team monitor and maintain are in Memphis, including the Hernando DeSoto Bridge and the Harahan Bridge. 

Boisseau recalls her time at LHS being a very positive experience, including taking part in the Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild. 

“METG, the theater festival season was always my favorite time,” Boisseau said.  “We had schools from all over Massachusetts come to present their art.  I overlooked all of the lighting for each school and assisted their lighting designer.  I was able to learn a lot about the craft of lighting design.  It was a huge help in getting accepted to SUNY Purchase and significantly increased my confidence in my artistic abilities.”

At SUNY Purchase, Boisseau was part of the BFA program that focused on design technology. 

“I started my freshmen year as a rotating crew member through the program,” Boisseau explained.  “I learned how to sew costumes at a basic level, paint on a huge scale to create set designs, helped build set pieces for full scale shows, and I was exposed to high quality lighting fixtures as an electrician.”

“The final three years I spent most of my college career focusing on the ins and outs of lighting design,” Boisseau added.  “This included being a master electrician, programmer, assistant lighting designer, and lighting designer. I designed three shows my senior year, a dance piece and two plays.  I was also exposed to sound design and how to operate and program sound systems. Through Purchase College connections and teachers, I was able to move directly to NYC after college graduation.  I was employed and living in my dream city the same day I graduated.”

At LHS, Boisseau said she was lucky enough to have three favorite teachers.


“Mr. Lew helped me learn the technical side of film and everything that went into making a TV show behind the scenes,” Boisseau said.  “Mr. Smith was always there for me during school hours and after school at theatre crew calls.  He taught me important delegation skills as well as how to make lighting look good with low to no budget and light fixtures from the 80's.”  

“Finally, Ms. M, a true shining light for all theatre kids at LHS,” Boisseau said.  “She is there for you no matter what the problem.  She listens and understands each of her students.  Ms. M genuinely cares for the well being and mental health of all her students. For me Ms. M's classroom was my safe place.  Somewhere I could be myself with no judgements.  Arts and theater kept me motivated in high school.  The arts are a huge part of LHS and should be preserved and respected.”

Boisseau said her favorite class at LHS was art.  

“I learned how to draw light and express my visions through sketches, painting, and my favorite charcoal,” Boisseau said.  

Boisseau said the teachers at LHS were also vital in helping navigate the college admissions process.  

“Because of the teacher's at LHS, I was able to get into my number one school, SUNY Purchase,” Boisseau said.  “I believe I was the first LHS student to go to Purchase to pursue technical theatre.

Boisseau currently lives in the South Bronx with her fiancĂ© Tim and her two dogs, Daisy and Baylor.  

“I wouldn't trade anything for where I am in life now,” Boisseau said.  “Even with all the craziness in the world, I feel as if I am able to shine a light of hope in NYC during the dark times.”



Thursday, April 8, 2021

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: J.C. Cora Jr. (Football)


Senior captain J.C. Cora Jr. is a Blue Devil at heart, even if he isn’t from the 01453.    

“I actually have lived in Fitchburg all my life, but grew up in Leominster, and did everything in Leominster,” J.C. said.

J.C. started playing football in the first grade after being introduced to the sport by family with a particular influence from his uncles.  

He has loved playing football ever since, due in large part to the lessons learned.  

“First and foremost, it teaches you to pick yourself up every time you fall down, not only on the field but in life, because in no other sport you’re getting knocked down almost every play and you have no choice but to get right back up,” J.C. said.  “And that goes for life in general as well.”

“Secondly, it takes an entire team effort to win the game, not just one person can do everything, and that goes a long way in life,” J.C. added.  

J.C. said the culture surrounding the Blue Devil football team is a special one.

“There’s nothing like playing for the Leominster Blue Devils, nothing like running out of that tunnel at Doyle field under the lights, and just seeing all the fans and stuff like that,” J.C. said.  “Just an amazing feeling that’s unexplainable.”

J.C. said he has also learned a lot from his head coach, Devin Gates.

“Something I’ve learned from my coach this season, and in that past, is that you have to keep moving forward,” J.C. said.  “There’s no time to dwell on what has already happened, because it’s already done and over with.  There’s nothing you can do to change that outcome of whatever it was.”

Gates said J.C. has been a leader for the Blue Devil football team long before he was officially named a captain.

He was thrust into the QB role unexpectedly his sophomore year after having a great debut as a freshman on defense the previous year,” Gates said.  “It's not a position that he grew up playing but that is the type of kid J.C. is.  He will do whatever he needs to do to help the team.”

“He is a competitor in every sense,” Gates added. “He leads with his heart, he's genuine, and the players and coaches respect that a lot.  He has had a breakout year thus far and still has his best football ahead of him.  He is also a great leader in the classroom.  He has been accepted at Bryant and Assumption to date, and is exploring all opportunities to get a great education while hopefully being able to play some football as well.”

While J.C. is still mulling over his post-high plans, at LHS, he said his favorite class was health with Mr. Palazzi back during his freshman year.

Outside of school, J.C. likes to spend time with his family, watch sports, and play video games.  

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Samara Rosado (Girls' Volleyball)

Senior girls’ volleyball player Samara Rosado has been an impactful team member since joining the volleyball program her sophomore year acco...