Saturday, October 14, 2023

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Lena LeBlanc (Girls' Volleyball)

Senior volleyball player Lena LeBlanc started playing volleyball when she was a freshman at LHS after being persuaded to play by her friends and social media.  Lena said she has enjoyed playing the sport for the past four years.

“I like making fun and challenging plays, as well as making new friends,” Lena said.  “I love playing the sport with great people.  It makes practice smoother and helps motivate me.”

LHS volleyball coach Sam Comeau said Lena brings a lot of positives to the program overall.

“Lena LeBlanc is a senior playing her second year on varsity, and fourth year in the program,” Comeau said.  “She is an extremely versatile player who you can trust in any position.  She always has a positive attitude and is completely dedicated to our program and the sport.”

Comeau said Lena has also adjusted to a new role with the team.  

“Lena recently stepped up in the rotation and began playing as an outside hitter along with her primary position of defensive specialist,” Comeau added.  “She’s been doing a great job in her new spot and has notched a handful of kills and aces during the past couple of games.  Her shoes will be hard to fill next year when she moves onto college, but she’s been a great mentor to the underclassmen and has helped me learn a lot as a coach.”

Lena said she has learned a great deal from her time with coach Comeau.

I have learned that I will not improve if I don't challenge myself, as well as many other things,” Lena said.  

Lena hopes to play volleyball in college, ideally at WPI.

“My dream school is WPI because all of its qualities work well for me,” Lena said.

Lena is a Drafting/CAD student in the CTEi program and also plays flag football.

“My favorite class so far has been Mr. Roby's class for Honors World History,” Lena said.  “He made the class very engaging and I learned a lot.  My favorite teacher is also my coach, Ms. Comeau.”

Outside of school, Lena likes to go on runs, play football and explore.   

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