Sunday, October 29, 2023

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Abby Barnaby (Field Hockey)

Senior Abby Barnaby has been a steady and calming presence both on and off the field for the Blue Devil field hockey team.  Her coach Kate Phillips said Abby is an amazing young woman who has a way of being a quiet leader who all her teammates look up to.  

“She has been a pivotal part in welcoming the younger athletes into the program and making them feel welcome,” Phillips said.  “On the field, she is the anchor of our defense at center back.  She is cool, calm, and collected. Her ability to be level headed regardless of the situation brings a sense of confidence to our defense.” 

Phillips also said Abby’s play has a tremendous impact throughout the lineup.  

“Her play is contagious,” Phillips said.  “She has a solid and consistent hit that allows her to clear the ball out of our defensive end and begin our offensive attack.  She is a wonderful young woman who has developed into a great field hockey player even though her main sport is softball.”

Abby’s first love in sports is softball where she is still weighing her options as she is coveted by a number of programs.  

“I haven’t made a decision on college yet, but I am looking to study Pre-Law and Political Science,” Abby said.  “That will allow me to attend law school and become a lawyer in the future.”

Despite that love of softball, Abby said she is focused in her field hockey season, a sport she has grown to appreciate since starting in the eighth grade after becoming interested in the sport from her cousin and coach, Emma Barnaby.

“I like the fast pace of field hockey, being able to communicate with my teammates on the field and above all I absolutely love playing with this team and all my amazing teammates,” Abby said.

“What I like most about being a part of the team at LHS is the dedication and hard work everyone puts into every practice,” Abby said.  “Above all, this team is so fun to be around, everyone is kind and picks each other up everyday.”

Abby said she has also learned a lot from Coach Phillips.

“(Coach Phillips)  is such a competitor and has such high expectations and pushes me to reach them,” Abby said.  “Everyday at practice she gives the team a quote to think about during practice and I really like how that gives the practice a focus.  With our team playing a more difficult schedule this year moving up to Mid-Wach A, (Coach Phillips) has taught us the importance of hard work and resilience, giving the team the quote this year as ‘Rise Up’.  She has also taught me not only how to be a good field hockey player but also to be a good teammate and person.”

Outside of field hockey and softball where she has excelled with the varsity program since her freshman year, Abby is part of the National Honor Society.

“My favorite class so far has been physics with Mr.Esposito, and I am really enjoying A.P. Government and Politics with Mrs.Murphy right now,” Abby said.

Outside of school, Abby said sports take up most of her life but also enjoys hanging out with friends.  


Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Conner Nevins (Golf)

Junior golfer Conner Nevins has lived in Leominster for the past nine years after moving to Leominster from Milford, MA.  Conner is a third-...