Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Quinn Maher-Killelea (Boys' Volleyball)

Senior boys’ volleyball standout Quinn Maher-Killelea is relatively new to the sport, after joining the team his sophomore year.

My friends and I thought it looked super dope, and different from other sports we saw for high school,” Quinn said.  “Honestly, I just signed up and went to try it out.”

That decision to try out turned out to be a good one for Quinn.

“Volleyball is a huge part of my life and having a community of people to play with is probably my favorite thing,” Quinn said.  “What I like most about being on the team is getting to play real games and overcome challenges with friends I’ve had for years.”

LHS boys’ volleyball coach said Quinn is a big part of the team’s success.  

“I've never had a more passionate player in Quinn,” Antonetti said.  “He brings talent, heart and mostly love for the game in his play.”

Quinn said he has learned a lot about the mental side of the sport from Coach Antonetti.

I’ve learned to be calm and to use my head only when I need it when I play from my coach,” Quinn said.

Quinn said he also hopes this won’t be his last year of organized volleyball.

“I would like to continue playing volleyball after high school and will probably keep playing for the rest of my life,” Quinn said.  “College is where I really want to play though.”

Quinn hopes to attend a four-year college and study tech.  

Quinn also remains busy here at LHS.

“I played Lacrosse before, but as a spring sport I had to chose volleyball instead,” Quinn said.  “I go to tutoring after school and often help out with senior school events.”

“My favorite class (here at LHS) was my Guitar Lab TA class with Mr. Bergeron, and my favorite teacher is Ms. G, aka The Goat,” Quinn said.  

Outside of school, Quinn enjoys hanging out with his girlfriend and gardening. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Dom Carr (Boys' Lacrosse)

Junior Dom Carr is just the seventh underclassman captain in the 21-year history of the Leominster boys’ lacrosse program.  As a sophomore, Dom earned a spot as a starter and never looked back.

“Down the stretch of (that) season, (Dom) became a top midfielder on offense and defense for us,” LHS boys’ lacrosse coach Colin Davis said.  

“This year he has continued that excellence as our leading scorer, and one of our best defenders on the other side of the ball,” Davis added.   “He's a great leader, a straight A student, and an outstanding student-athlete who is a pleasure to coach.”

Dom started playing lacrosse when he was in the fourth grade.  

I was introduced to this sport from my sister who played at the time,” Dom said.  “At that time I was playing baseball and lost interest so I decided to try lacrosse.”

Dom said he quickly fell in love with the game.

“I like the intensity of lacrosse and how physical it is,” Dom said.  “I also like how fast-paced this game is and how there is never a moment where I’m not moving.”

Dom also said being a part of the LHS lacrosse family is pretty special.

“Since I have joined the team as a freshman, everyone took me in and it truly felt like a family,” Dom said.  “I hope to help the underclassmen feel the same way.  The LHS lacrosse team has always been a great group of guys.”

Dom said he has also learned a lot from Davis and the entire coaching staff.

“This season my coaches have taught me not to put the whole game on my shoulders, let the past go, and look forward to the next game,” Dom said.

Dom said he would love to play lacrosse in college as he begins to ponder his next steps after high school.

“I want to go college and major in mechanical engineering,” Dom said.  “I excel in math and science classes that revolve around engineering and could see myself having a future in this field.”

At LHS, Dom also plays golf and is a part of Best Buddies and National Honor Society.  He is also the Treasurer of the Class of 2025.  

“My favorite class at LHS so far has to be Algebra II sophomore year,” Dom said.  “This class also happened to be with my favorite teacher Mr.Oliver.  He allowed us to think outside of what normal Algebra II classes did in order to learn.”

“Outside of school I enjoy being very active whether it's going to the gym or practicing lacrosse,” Dom added.  “I also enjoy listening to music and having a good time with friends.”

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Matt Dietz (Boys' Tennis)

Leominster boys’ tennis coach Mark Mogé knew very early on he had something special in Matt Dietz.

“It wasn’t long into his freshman season that I realized that Matthew Dietz was going to be a special part of Blue Devil tennis,” Mogé said.  “Even as  a freshman, Matt had the character skills that coaches look for in a player.  On the performance side he is hard working, competitive, positive and accountable.  On the moral side he is unselfish, honest, respectful and humble.”

That makeup allowed Matt to be named captain for his sophomore season and is a big reason why Matt is the number one singles player on the Blue Devil squad this year.   

“With those same skills Matthew is sure to be successful in whatever he chooses to do in life,” Mogé added.  

Matt’s first year of tennis was his freshman year here at LHS.

I got introduced to tennis just by observing,” Matt said.  “I watched it a few times on TV, but didn't think of playing it until I wanted to find a spring sport to play for the school.”

Since that decision, Matt has not looked back.

“I like how you are able to work individually, but also as a team,” Matt said.  “There is a lot of technique to playing tennis and I enjoy practicing my skills.”

“I like the community aspect,” Matt added, speaking about playing on the LHS team.  “It's fun having a close knit group of friends that you are part of a team with.”

Matt said he has learned a lot from Coach Mogé. 

“My head coach is a super relaxed and laid back person,” Matt said.  “He has taught me everything I know about tennis and has helped me become a leader of my team as a captain.  I love being able to work with him to refine my serve or learn new skills.”

As for next year, Matt has his plans solidified.

“I am going to go to college for flight science, which will prepare me to become a professional commercial pilot,” Matt said.  “This course will contain classroom time, as well as practical flying time to get my licenses.”

Here at LHS, Matt has been part of student government since his sophomore year and is on the CTEi Advisory Council.  

Matt said he really enjoys being a part of the CTEi ISSN program as well.

My favorite class at school so far has been my shop class, ISSN,” Matt said.  “My favorite teacher is Mr. Still, who is the instructor for that trade.”

Outside of school, Matt enjoys flying, photography and cars.  

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Tishany Delarosa (Girls' Track)

Girls’ track team senior Tishany Delarosa is off to a fast start this spring, earning personal bests in both the triple and long jumps in the season opening meet earlier this month.  In all, she took four first place finishes in that meet.  

Tishany started running track during her freshman year and has turned that experience into a track scholarship to Bryant University where she will run track and study business starting next fall.  

Tishany said she has enjoyed improving in the sport year after year, a message that is preached by her coach, Karen Marino.

In order to push yourself, you have to be okay with being uncomfortable,” Tishany said echoing a familiar sentiment from her coach.

At LHS, Tishany is a member of G.I.V.E. and the Psychology Club.  Her favorite teacher is Mrs. Morse.  

“Mrs. Morse is a great teacher,” Tishany said.  “I had her my sophomore year for Algebra I.  She has pushed me throughout my years at LHS and outside the classroom as well.  She is always someone I can go and talk to and ask for advice when it comes to schoolwork, sports and even just talk about life.”

Outside of school, Tishany enjoys going on trail runs, watching sunsets and doing makeup.  


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Alaina Garcia (Girls' Tennis)

Senior Alaina Garcia is a three year member of the LHS girls’ tennis team.  As a sophomore, she played in five matches, primarily as a doubles player.  As a junior, she competed in eighteen matches and saw one-third of those as a singles player.  It was during her junior year that she earned her first win as a singles player at North Middlesex. 

Alaina earned the Coach's Award as a junior for her unselfish dedication to the team while also being named a tri-captain for her senior season by her teammates.   

Now a senior, the life long Leominster resident has firmly entrenched herself as the team's first singles player and currently has a 1-1 record on the young season. 

“Alaina has a quiet demeanor but is a fierce competitor,” LHS girls’ tennis coach Daryl Robichaud said.   “She is able to outlast and wear down her competition due to her superior preparation.”

Robichaud said he has also been impressed with Alaina’s versatility over her career.   

“Throughout her career she has been able to compete both as a doubles player and a singles player which requires two completely different skill sets,” Robichaud said.  “This is a great indication of her dedication to the sport and high-level athleticism.” 

“Alaina is a great example to the younger players on the team as to how to prepare for the rigors of competition and is a great mentor for all of our rookies,” Robichaud added.  

Alaina said being a part of the LHS tennis team has been a special experience.

Since we only have a varsity team with 12 people, we have all become very close and I've made some great friends through tennis,” Alaina said.

“I love that tennis is a lifelong sport, anyone can play it no matter how much experience you have,” Alaina added.

Alaina said she has also learned a great deal from Coach Robichaud.

“Roby has taught our team the value of sportsmanship,” Alaina said.  “Last year our team won the Mid-Watch B Team Sportsmanship Award.”

In the fall, Alaina will be attending Bentley University and will major in finance.  

Here at LHS, Alaina is the Class Treasurer for the senior class, is a member of Best Buddies and is in the National Honors Society.  She also played on the LHS girls’ volleyball team.  

“My favorite class at LHS has been A.P. Environmental Science and my favorite teacher has been Mr. Rooney,” Alaina added.

Outside of school, Alaina likes to stay active, hang out with friends and go shopping.  

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Victoria Belcastro (Softball)

The Blue Devil softball team is off to a 3-0 start and a big reason why has been the stellar play of senior captain Victoria Belcastro.  In the circle, she has pitched every inning so far and been dominant striking out 23 batters in 21 innings.  She also leads the team in hits.

Victoria has been working hard on and off the field, often going directly to PowerSource Training to work out after softball,” Leominster softball coach Tara Witzgall said.  “Her physical and mental strength are evident every time she steps on the field.”

Victoria has lived in Leominster her whole life and started playing softball in kindergarten after her parents introduced her to the sport.  

I love the thrill that you get when being on the field,” Victoria said.  “All the energy and how high the competition is.”

Victoria said being a part of the LHS softball team is all about being a great teammate.  

“We are all family and everyone is always going to be there for one another,” Victoria said.  “(Our coaches encourage us to) always be selfless and put your team first.”

Victoria hopes to continue her softball career into college next year at UMass Amherst where she will be majoring in Sports Management.  

Before that though, she was eager to reflect on her time in the classroom at LHS.  

“AP Stats has been my favorite class,” Victoria said.  “I feel like it’s going to be very useful in the real world, especially when I get to college.  My favorite teacher has been Mr. Robichaud.  I loved his class and how he sets it up.  I also felt like I learned a lot from him outside of just class work.” 

Outside of school, Victoria likes to volunteer at her church, work out, read, and spend time with friends and family.  


Saturday, April 13, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Mark Garner (Baseball)

As a freshman on the LHS baseball team, the lights were certainly not too bright for Mark Garner, who batted an astounding .429 against some of the toughest pitchers in the state.  Now a sophomore, Mark looks to keep showing he’s one of the toughest outs in the state for coach Rich Barnaby’s Blue Devils.  

Mark is one of the hardest workers I have ever coached,” Barnaby said.  “He loves the weight room, excels academically and always picks up his teammates when they are struggling.”

Mark is the younger brother of Ryan Garner, one of the more clutch pitchers in the long list of great arms that have played for the blue and white.  Ryan is now a freshman on the Husson University pitching staff.  

Mark, like his brother Ryan, was introduced to the game of baseball by his father, and current Fitchburg High baseball coach, Chad Garner.  

Mark said he has loved the game of baseball ever since he could remember.

The thing I like the most about baseball is the competition, constant working and building relationships with my coaches and teammates,” Mark said.

Mark said as a member of the Blue Devil baseball team, he loves the competitiveness.

“The community and desire to win every game (are what I like the most about being a part of the LHS baseball team),” Mark said.  

Mark said that competitiveness starts at the top with Barnaby.

“(Coach Barnaby emphasizes) the competitive mentality that we aren’t in the position we are in to fool around and take it easy, but for us to take care of business and compete every game no matter what,” Mark said.  

While just a sophomore, Mark has already been thinking about his post-high school plans.

“I would like to continue my baseball and academic journey at a school that sees potential in the player I am,” Mark said.  “I would like to study Exercise Science in college as  well.”

“I would like to become an athletic trainer for baseball for a professional baseball team and start my own athletic performance company,” Mark added.

At LHS, Mark is in the CTEi program where he studies HVAC.  HVAC is also his favorite class and his favorite teacher is Mr. Sweeney.  

Outside of school, Mark stays busy as well.

“My hobbies out of school are fishing, golfing, going to the gym and spending time with my friends,” Mark said.  


Monday, April 1, 2024

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Nick Massa (Baseball)

Nick Massa has been a four-year starter at shortstop for the Blue Devils varsity baseball team.  During that time, Nick has been a part of teams that have won three CMass titles and two Mid-Wach A titles.  LHS baseball coach Rich Barnaby said Nick is a perfectionist who excels in the classroom and on the diamond. 

“Nick’s relentless work ethic in practices raises the standard for the entire team,” Barnaby said.  “I can honestly say that Nick has not taken a rep off in practice or the game in four years.  Nick is the perfect student-athlete and I feel privileged to have been able to coach him these past four years.”

Nick moved to Leominster from Waltham when he was in seventh grade.  He started playing baseball when he was five years old thanks to his father introducing him to the game.  

It is a game of failure and you have to learn to deal with that to become successful,” Nick said when asked about what he likes most about the sport of baseball.

Nick said he has learned a lot from Coach Barnaby during his time as a Blue Devil.

“(I have learned that) paying attention to the little details in baseball really make a difference in a team's success,” Nick said.  

Overall, Nick said the success of the baseball team comes down to everyone pulling in the same direction.

“We are a community and we compete with one another,” Nick said.  

In addition to playing shortstop this season, Nick will also contribute to the pitching staff.  

Nick plans to attend and play baseball next year at Worcester State University.  Nick is interested in learning about real estate.  

“My favorite class (at LHS) is probably Principles of Engineering and there is a tie for my favorite teacher between Mr. Robichaud and Mrs. Friberg,” Nick said.  

Outside of school, Nick enjoys working out, fishing, playing cards and of course, playing baseball.  

Blue Devil Athlete Spotlight: Samara Rosado (Girls' Volleyball)

Senior girls’ volleyball player Samara Rosado has been an impactful team member since joining the volleyball program her sophomore year acco...